
We will use our global expertise and network to resolve your dispute.

A large number of our cases have an international element - whether it is proceedings involving foreign nationals, assets held outside the UK or cases involving disputes over where children should live.

Where a divorce is issued (i.e. lodged at court) can have a major effect on the financial settlements that can be achieved. We will give expert advice should there be more than one potential location to issue proceedings (known as a “jurisdictional race”) and will ensure swift action is taken to commence proceedings when time is of the essence.

We also have wide experience tracing and dividing internationally held assets; resolving issues around the financial provision for children and their care arrangements if one of you lives abroad; and ensuring that English court orders are enforced abroad.

As well as our in-house knowledge of international family law issues, we have strong links with a network of lawyers around the globe, and we can bring in specialist advice whenever necessary. Joe is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.

You can find out more about your specific International issues with this free online assessment which can help you understand where you stand before you contact a lawyer.